All the necessary information for Public Races are ready to view. In case of any doubts or required additional information, please contact Event Office of CEYOC:

Bulletin 1
Adamna Cup 2020 – sprint
Moravian Orienteering Championship 2020 – long
Czech Relay Cup 2020 – relay
Under the patronage of the mayor of Brno city, Dr. Marketa Vankova.
Czech Orienteering Association (ČSOS)
Friday 3rd April 2020 – sprint distance with interval start
Saturday 4th April 2020 – long distance with interval start
Sunday 5th April 2020 – relay
Friday: Brno, Mendlovo náměstí, monastery (GPS: 49.1910194N, 16.5933961E)
Saturday + Sunday: Brno−Bystrc, U křivé borovice (GPS: 49.2225269N, 16.4893822E)
Public race in sprint:
D (women), H (men)
ZV (youth born 2006–2009 and masters born 1970 and earlier), HDD (children born 2010 and later)
Moravian O-Championship:
D14B, D16B, D18B, D20B, D21B, D35B, D40B, D45B, D50B, D55B, D60B, D65B, D70B, D75B
H14B, H16B, H18B, H20B, H21B, H35B, H40B, H45B, H50B, H55B, H60B, H65B, H70B, H75B, H80B
South-Moravian League:
D10N, D10C, D12C, D14C, D16C, D18C, D21C, D21D, D35C, D45C, D55C
H10N, H10C, H12C, H14C, H16C, H18C, H21C, H21D, H35C, H45C, H55C, H65C
Public race:
HDR (children with accompany), P (simple course, level of H12)
(D = women, H = men)
Czech Relay Cup:
D18, D21
H18, H21
Public race in relay:
DH12, D14, D105, D135, D165
H14, H105, H135, H165, H195
The deadline for entries is Monday 23rd March 2020 23:59 (entry fee).
For the sprint public race, use the online application EasyEvent
For the long and relay public races, make the entries via or via email to (e-mail application is valid after confirmation).
Late entries are accepted until Friday 27th March 2020 23:59 (entry fee + 50 %). Later entries will be accepted according to the organiser´s possibilities, only (entry fee + 100 %).
Saturday – long:
D14B, H14B – 130 CZK / 6 EUR
D60B, H60B and older – 160 CZK / 7 EUR
Other classes B – 210 CZK / 9 EUR
D10N, H10N, D10C, H10C, D12C, H12C, D14C, H14C, HDR – 60 CZK / 3 EUR
Other classes C, D21D, H21D, P – 100 CZK / 5 EUR
Sunday – relay:
D18, D21, H18, H21 – 680 CZK / 28 EUR
D105, D135, D165, H105, H135, H165, MIX – 680 CZK / 28 EUR
H195 – 580 CZK / 24 EUR
DH12, D14, H14 – 300 CZK / 13 EUR
SportIdent (contact version, only) rental charge: 50 CZK / day (2 EUR / day).
Friday – sprint:
Individual payment in the event centre in cash is possible, only.
Saturday + Sunday:
Payment of entry fees, SI card rental charges and other ordered services are accepted via bank transfer up to 30th March 2020:
in EUR: Bank: Fio bank
IBAN: CZ96 2010 0000 0020 0172 2565
Note: Add the club name to the note.
in CZK: Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Bank Code: 0800
Account No.: 001003-1341726349
IBAN: CZ66 0800 0010 0313 4172 6349
Note: Add the club name to the note.
Payment in the event office is possible in CZK, only (EUR is not accepted).
EVENT OFFICE at the event centre:
Sprint Friday 3rd April 2020 15:15 – 18:00, until 16:15 discount of 50 %!
Long Saturday 4th April 2020 10:00 – 11:00
Relay Saturday 4th April 2020 13:00 – 15:00
Sunday 5th April 2020 8:30 – 9:00 (changes in teams, only)
Friday 3rd April 2020 17:30 interval start
Saturday 4th April 2020 12:00 interval start
Sunday 5th April 2020 9:30 mass start according to the classes
Friday: Accommodation – Event centre up to 10 km
Event centre – Start up to 1 000 m
Event centre – Finish 0 m
Saturday + Sunday: Accommodation – Parking (cars) do 10 km
Parking (cars) – Event centre 0–300 m
Event centre – Start (Saturday) do 1 000 m
Event centre – Start (Sunday) 0 m
Event centre – Finish (both days) 0 m
Friday: Very varied terrain containing open parks, narrow streets and passages, areas with large buildings, common urban streets, overgrown gardens and bushy slopes.
Saturday + Sunday: Central European forest with deep valleys, various runnability and partially with small and tricky vegetation details.
Friday: 1:4 000, E = 2.5 m, A4 for all classes. A new map (spring 2020) according to ISSprOM 2019, mapmaker Jakub Zimmermann, waterproof. There is no previous o-map of this area.
Saturday: 1:15 000 for classes DH16–35B and H21C, 1:10 000 for other classes
Sunday: 1:10 000 for all classes
Saturday + Sunday: E = 5 m, new maps (spring 2020) according to ISOM 2017-2, main mapmaker Adam Chromý, mapmakers Evžen Cigoš and Zdeněk Lenhart, waterproof.
Previous map: Pohádka máje (2002). Various parts have been revised during 2004–2016. A compilation of previous maps of this area containing the latest versions can be downloaded here:
Electronic punching system Sportident will be used. SI units including the finish unit will be set to Beacon/Air mode. Each SI card cannot be used more times in one race.
It is possible to borrow SI card (contact version, only) from organisers (rental charge 50 CZK / day). Please specify this request in the entry form.
In case of non-returned SI card, the sanction of 1000 CZK will be claimed.
According to the valid Czech Competition rules 2020.
Competition is controlled by the valid Czech regulations (Pravidla OB, Soutěžní řád závodů sekce OB and Prováděcí předpisy k soutěžím sekce OB pro rok 2020).
Transport is not arranged by the organiser. It is possible and highly recommended to use Brno city public transport to reach both event centres. Please inform organisers if you intend to come by your own bus.
A low cost accommodation on the hard floor is arranged by the organiser from Friday 3rd April till Sunday 5th April. The prize per person and night is 100 CZK (5 EUR). Please, order the accommodation with the entry. Overnight stay in the event centre is not possible.
Standard offer of food and beverages will be available to purchase in the event centre. It is possible to order lunch meals on Saturday and Sunday. Please, order the lunch meals with the entry.
Kindergarten will be available in the event centre.
Web page:
Event Office: e-mail:, tel.: 737 971 305
All competitors take part in the competition by their own risk.
Selling and promotional services (except of o-events propagation) are possible with agreement of the event director, only.
By entering the event, each competitor agrees to have their personal data published in the valid ČSOS format in the form of the entry list, the start list and the results on the web pages of the event. ( and in the o-information system ORIS (
During the event, photographs will be taken to inform the public about the race. Also photographs can be taken for personal needs of competitors (such as race mementos, promotion of orienteering clubs), in particular during the prize giving ceremony and on the run-in to the finish. If you do not agree to be photographed, please let the photographer know explicitly.
Event director: Kateřina Štěpánková, R3
Main controller: Zdenka Kozáková, R1
Course setting: Adam Chromý, R3 sprint
Jakub Zimmermann, R1 klasická trať
Radovan Čech, R1, Zdeněk Liščinský, R3 štafety