Dear participants of CEYOC 2020.
Brno University of Technology as the largest technical university in the Czech Republic with excellent research and quality infrastructure is honoured to become the general partner of CEYOC 2020. I hope that you all will enjoy our hospitality and the level of services provided.
I truly believe that during your stay in Brno you will find time to get to know the University, its faculties and study and research programmes. There will be Open Door events and presentations ready for you at some faculties and we will be very happy if you decide to join our degree programmes in the future.
We all agree that sports and university work well together.
Have a nice stay and I wish you good luck!
Petr Štěpánek, rector of Brno University of Technology

General information
Dates: 2nd – 5th April 2020
Venue: Brno, Czech Republic
Organizer: KOS TJ Tesla Brno
Punching system: SPORTident AIR+ punching system will be used in all 3 races and 2 trainings. Runners will use their own SI cards, or they can rent SI Card for the whole event for 10 EUR. Only contact SI Cards are available for rent, no SI AIR+ Cards.
Classes and Regulations
W16 women | M16 men | W18 women | M18 men |
born 2004 or later | born 2002 or later |
All National teams from all IOF Federations can participate in the competition and they are eligible for diplomas and rankings, whether they come from the Central Europe or not.
Each federation is allowed to enter unlimited number of runners, however additional restrictions are applied. All the runners are running the same course, but only 6 selected are counted in the official CEYOC results and placed in official classes (M16, W16, …). These 6 runners may vary in each discipline. Additional runners are placed in unofficial classes M-16-2, W-16-2, …
More information can be found in CEYOC Special Rules.
Name Entries
Each team already entered for the CEYOC event shall now supply details of participants. This will be done by sending completed following XLSX form to email office@ceyoc.eu, no later than on Sunday 22nd March 2020.
Event Office will validate the provided data and confirm its admission. This must be done within the deadline.
The form includes a selection of the meal type during the event. For more information about this see further section of this Bulletin.
Next instructions for the Race Entries (runners for each race, selection of 6 representatives for the main classes, starting groups selection, etc.) will be published in Bulletin 3, which will be issued in a week of competition. Deadlines for the Race Entries will not be earlier than 12:00 previous day.
The CEYOC Campus is very compact to save travel time and keep all the participants together. Accommodation, meals and Event Office are located within the area of 300 m in diameter, the social activities are within 800 m.

Complete map with all locations in single map: https://mapy.cz/s/retufusato
We recommend to install Mapy.cz app to your smartphone for easy navigation during the CEYOC.
Arriving to CEYOC – Event Office

All the teams shall visit the Event Office as the very first, after arriving to Brno. All the necessary documents and information will be handed out here. It is not possible to check-in to the accommodation without these documents!
Location of the Event Office: CEITEC VUT, Purkynova 123, building B, 1st floor, room B1.28
Contact: Petra Grycova, office@ceyoc.eu, +420 601 502 303
The signs will be pointing towards this directions, but if missing, follow this map.
You can also use the CEYOC Location Map in Mapy.cz mobile app or follow the point 1 in this link: https://mapy.cz/s/retufusato
Accommodation and Meals
Both accommodations are open from 14:00. Valid ID card or passport (must match the number in Name Entry Form) and CEYOC badge are necessary for accommodation check-in. Please visit the CEYOC Office first.
Full board catering is included within each Entry Fee Package. For both types of accommodation, 6 meals are served in Campus Canteen (see the map above). Three meals are served directly in the arena (Fri dinner, Sat lunch and Sun lunch).
Each participant shall select one menu for following meals in the Name Entry Form. According to this order, meal vouchers will be issued during the accreditation:
Thursday Dinner (Campus Canteen) | |
A | Pasta with vegetables and cheese [V] |
B | Roasted chicken leg, jasmine rice [G] |
Friday Lunch (Campus Canteen) | |
A | Spaghetti with pork meat and cheese, tomato sauce |
B | Vegetable risotto, cheese, pickled cucumber [V][G] |
Saturday Lunch (Long and Relay Arena) | |
A | Italian mushroom risotto with parmesan cheese [V] |
B | Pasta salad with grilled vegetables and chicken |
Saturday Dinner (Campus Canteen) | |
A | Fried chicken fillet, boiled potatoes |
B | Baked broccoli with cheese, boiled potatoes [V][G] |
Sunday Lunch (Long and Relay Arena) | |
A | Baked potatoes with beetroot and Feta cheese [V] |
B | Gnocchi with grilled chicken, spinach and cream |
Breakfast: The buffet style breakfast will be served every day in the Campus Canteen. Typical food for European sportsmen will be available (cereals, yoghurt, ham, cheese, bread, …).
Friday Dinner: Light dinner package will be available at the Sprint Arena. Sandwich, drink and fruit.
Transport within Brno
All the activities within CEYOC Official Programme are reachable by walk or public transport, which is well developed in Brno. Exact instructions how to get to desired locations will be published in Bulletin 3, or earlier on CEYOC website.
Team Leaders Meetings
Team Leaders Meetings will be held each evening before the competition day in the Event Office building or in the Sprint Arena. The attendance of at least one coach from each national team is recommended.
Public races
Parents, friends and fans are still very welcome to make an audience in the arenas! The programme of Public races is designed to have enough time to cheer and also to run in the same terrains and in case of sprint, also on the same courses. Entries for Public races are open until 23rd March 2020.
For more information follow the pages of Public races.
CEYOC Live coverage
CEYOC races will be attractive also for supporters abroad. There will be live broadcasting of preliminary results and split times form radiocontrols available from all races. If it will be technically possible, we will do also live YouTube streaming from arenas. On Long and Relay races, selected runners will hold a GPS unit, which will be live broadcasted to the internet.
All these services will be available from CEYOC website.
CEYOC Official Programme
Official programme of CEYOC starts on Thursday 2nd April 2020 from 15:00 and ends on Sunday 5th April 2020 at 12:00. We kindly ask all the teams to arrange their arrivals so they are able to participate in the whole programme. If this is not possible, please contact the Event Office as soon as possible.
Detailed timetable can be found at the separated page Programme.
This page is continuously updated when new info is available.
Sprint Training

Sprint training session is located 2.4 km from the Campus (30 minutes walk) and it is composed from 2 parts:
1) Very short Sprint relays to make an introduction to this new (but already established) discipline. 2 classes: MW16 and MW18. Both are mixed, 4 legs, leg order W-M-M-W. Estimated winning time 8-10 minutes per leg. In case of bad weather, an indoor area is available.
2) Sprint corridor training will be held after the sprint relays, on the way back to the Campus. Start is located in the start of the sprint relays, finish is located 800 m from the Campus. There are some controls inside the corridor and some controls close, but outside of it. The goal is to run smoothly in the corridor and punch right controls only. Maps will be issued at the start, free starting order, several versions of the corridor to increase a throughput of the training.
Detailed instructions in Bulletin 3.
Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony will be held in the famous ball-shaped hall of Brno University of Technology. We kindly ask all the teams to arrive in time and dressed in national clothes.
After the introduction of teams and very short speeches, the interactive quiz game will be held. Which team knows the most about international orienteering? ;-)
Forest Training

The goal of this training session is to learn the specifics of Brno terrains and maybe to inspire someone with few less common training approaches as well. The training will be composed from 3 loops from same start, which can be visited in any order:
1) Simplification and Micro-O training has a full map on the controls only. Each runner has blank map with course in his hand. The goal is to memorize essential features for each leg and then use own memory impression together with compass. Last control is Micro-O, so you should choose which of several controls is that right one.
2) Contours only training is basic but important training to learn athletes to understand relief of terrain. It is using the complex erosion area, where also the simplification plays an important role.
3) Corridor and Vegetation training is focused on the main specific of Czech maps – complex vegetation details and detailed mapping of vegetation as well. There is vegetation on the map, nothing else. On the beginning of the training, there is also short narrow curved corridor, forcing runners to focus on details and precise movement along the compass on the way between them. This corridor can be avoided if considered as too difficult for a runner.
Length of each loop will be 1-2 km, in total 5-6 km. Shortening possible by skipping one of loops or some controls as well. The training is reachable from the Campus in 45 minutes by public transport.
CEYOC Sprint

Arena Location: 24 minutes by public transport from the Campus. Pre-start quarantine will be held.
Map: 1:4000, E = 2,5 m, ISSprOM 2019, mapped by J. Zimmermann
Terrain: Varied terrain containing open parks, narrow streets and passages, areas with large buildings, common urban streets, overgrown gardens and bushy slopes.
First start: 16:00
Estimated prize giving ceremony: 17:15
Preliminary course parameters:
W16: 2.8 km / 32 m climb / 14 controls
M16: 3.3 km / 45 m climb / 19 controls
W18: 3.2 km / 37 m climb / 18 controls
M18: 3.6 km / 57 m climb / 20 controls
Lengths according to IOF Rules (shortest path avoiding uncrossable features). More information will be published in Bulletin 3.
Sightseeing Tour
Short guided tour from the Sprint Arena through the two dominant hills to the City centre will be held immediately after the Team Leaders Meeting in the Arena. The organizer will provide transport of competitors‘ bags from the Sprint Arena to the Event Office, where they can be collected after the city centre visit.
During the short common walk several must-see locations will be visited. The walk will end in the City centre, where participants can visit other sites of their own interest. Each participant will receive an orienteering map with marked places to see in Brno and its brief introduction.
Direct tram connection leads from the City centre to the Campus in 13 minutes.

Arena Location: 60 minutes by public transport from the Campus. Pre-start quarantine will be held.
Map: 1:15 000, E = 5 m, ISSOM 2017-2, mapped by Z. Lenhart and E. Cigos
Terrain: Central European deciduous forest with a dense network of paths, deep valleys, diverse runability and visibility, sometimes with vegetation details.
First start: 9:30
Estimated prize giving ceremony: 12:00
Course parameters:
W16: 5.6 km / 190 m climb / 7 controls
M16: 7.1 km / 255 m climb / 11 controls
W18: 6.7 km / 245 m climb / 10 controls
M18: 9.1 km / 340 m climb / 16 controls
Detailed instructions in Bulletin 3.
Friendship Party
Friendship party will be held in the entrance hall of Brno University of Technology strictly until 22.00. There will be music and non-alcoholic drinks available. More info in Bulletin 3.

Arena Location: 60 minutes by public transport from the Campus. Pre-start quarantine will be held.
Map: 1:10 000, E = 5 m, ISSOM 2017-2, mapped by E. Cigos and Z. Lenhart
Terrain: Central European deciduous forest with a moderate network of paths, steep slopes, diverse runability and visibility, areas with complex vegetation details.
First start: 9:30 in the arena
Estimated prize giving ceremony: 12:00
Course parameters:
W16: 4.0 – 4.1 km / 130 m climb / 12 controls
M16: 5.2 – 5.4 km / 190 m climb / 15 controls
W18: 5.1 – 5.3 km / 180 m climb / 12 controls
M18: 6.6 – 6.8 km / 240 m climb / 18 controls
Detailed instructions in Bulletin 3.
We are looking forward to see you in Brno!
Organizers from KOS Tesla Brno