CEYOC 2021 cancelled. No more CEYOC in Brno.
Dear followers, we are sorry to inform you that, like CEYOC 2020, the currently upcoming CEYOC 2021 has been cancelled as well. This time, however, it was not directly due […]
Dear followers, we are sorry to inform you that, like CEYOC 2020, the currently upcoming CEYOC 2021 has been cancelled as well. This time, however, it was not directly due […]
We are happy to announce that cancelled version of CEYOC 2020 in Brno will be held again in 2021! The concept, programme, competition areas, etc. stay same, including the Public […]
Based on today’s decision of the Czech Government to declare a Nationwide State of Emergency for a period of at least 1 month, we unfortunately have to say that CEYOC […]
Na základě dnešního rozhodnutí vlády ČR o vyhlášení nouzového stavu na období nejméně 1 měsíce musíme bohužel konstatovat, že všechny tři závody, tj. sobotní Mistrovství moravy na longu, nedělní Český […]
Dnešní rozhodnutí bezpečnostní rady státu, kterou se do odvolání zakazuje organizace sportovních akcí nad 100 účastníků, se aktuálně týká i Mistrovství Moravy a CEYOCu. Sledujte tyto webové stránky, kde vás […]
Today, the Czech Government announced prohibition of sport events with more than 100 participant. This restriction is valid until further notice. The Czech Republic has very low infection rate of […]
Dear participants of CEYOC 2020. Brno University of Technology as the largest technical university in the Czech Republic with excellent research and quality infrastructure is honoured to become the general […]
After the official deadline, we received two more entries from Spain and Austria. Despite it caused us a little troubles, we did not hesitate to accept these entries to provide […]
This will be the largest CEYOC in the history. By the deadline of entries, we are registering 141 participants from 6 countries and 20 coaches as a support of youngsters. […]
V orisu je na stránkách sobotního i nedělního závodu uveden jídelníček, ze kterého je možno si v doplňkových službách objednat. Stravenky podle objednávek budou vydávány klubům při prezentaci. Catering zajišťuje […]