We are happy to announce partnership with Brno University of Technology, the biggest technical university in Czech Republic, which will be hosting the event centre of CEYOC 2020 within her infrastructure. The rector of the university prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Štěpánek, CSc., dr. h. c. also took the patronage of CEYOC 2020.
„We are really proud for this cooperation, because the Brno University of Technology helped us a lot to maintain affordable price for all national teams, what makes our vision of meeting all the best athletes together true.“ said Adam Chromy, the event director.
There are 4 subject within BUT, who are involved in the organization: The participants of CEYOC will be accommodated in the BUT Hotel Palacky *** or in the rooms of Center of Sport Activities. The catering will be maintained in the dining rooms of BUT by Halls of Residence and Dining Services department. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering will be hosting the Opening ceremony and the team leaders meetings will be held in the CEITEC BUT rooms.
The participants are from 14 to 19 years old, what is just before the age, when they choose the university to study at. The orienteering population is also highly educated – the 73% of orienteers has an academic degree and the orienteering hobby is an advantage for HR managers, since the orienteers are usually very devoted, psychically strong and able of rational decision within the time-pressure.
„They will spent 4 days within the infrastructure of BUT and when they will start to think about the university where to study, the BUT may appear in their mind.“ points out the benefits of this cooperation Adam Chromy, who is also the part of academic staff of BUT.